Chamkoria Chalets & Apartments

Construction updates

27th June 2008

All five meters of excavations for the apartment complex is now complete and ready for the foundations to be poured. The chalets are at various stages of the foundation work from the reinforced steel & shuttering being put in place to waste pipes being laid on the completed foundations.

Sewerage pipes being installed in chalets 1 and 2
More foundations being prepared for chalets 5 & 6
Another view of the drainage work in chalet 1
Foundations being prepared for chalets 5 & 6
Completed excavations for the apartment building

13th June 2008

Excavations continue this week and some of the first foundations are poured. We have had very heavy rain over the last few days and plenty of thunder storms so this has impeded the builders progress somewhat. Hopefully the sun will be back next week to allow us to continue laying the foundations.

6th June 2008

The builders have moved in and started their excavations. These are some of the earliest photos as the builders break ground but we'll be following up soon with more photos of the progress.